On this page, you will find some information that will be helpful to you as you manage your document submittals made through the GPR 2020 Document Management System (DMS).
How do I submit my expanded abstract after my abstract has been accepted?
To submit your expanded abstract, do the following:
- After logging into your account on the DMS, click/tap the Submit Document button at the top of the webpage.
- On the page that appears next, click/tap the BEGIN DOCUMENT SUBMITTAL button.
- On the page that appears next, select GPR 2020 - 18th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar in the list of events in the "Event identification" section.
- On the page that appears next, all of the abstracts you have submitted — and that have been accepted — will be listed. Select the abstract for which you want to submit the expanded abstract.
In the drop-down selector under "Type of document you are submitting", select Expanded abstract.
- A new section, labeled "Upload your document", will appear. Follow the instructions in that section to complete your submittal.
After completing your submittal, you will receive an email confirming that submittal. You should check the information shown in that email to ensure that information such as the document title, list of authors, and list of affiliations is correct. If the information requires modification, return to the DMS and click/tap the Manage Submittals button at the top of the webpage. On the page that appears next, do the following:
- In the section under the heading GPR 2020 - 18th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, select the document you just submitted.
- In the "Document information" section that appears, click/tap the EDIT button at the bottom of the section.
How do I update/replace a submittal after I have uploaded it?
If you need to update submittal information such as the title or list of authors, or if you need to replace a previously-uploaded document file with a revised one, DO NOT WITHDRAW THE SUBMITTAL! Instead, follow the instructions below.
- After logging into your account on the DMS, click/tap the Manage Submittals button at the top of the webpage.
- On the page that appears next and in the section under the heading GPR 2020 - 18th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, select the document you have submitted. For example, if you want to update or replace an expanded abstract, select the document that is identified as an "Expanded abstract".
- If you need to update submittal information, click/tap the EDIT button at the bottom of the "Document information" section that appears.
- If you need to replace a previously-submitted document file with a new one, click/tap the RESUBMIT button at the bottom of the "Document information" section .
IMPORTANT! After your submittal has been assigned to a reviewer for review, you cannot update submittal information or replace a submittal's document file. If you feel that you must make changes at this point, please contact the DMS Administrator by email at dms@csmspace.com.
How do I withdraw a submittal?
If you withdraw a submittal, it will be completely removed from the DMS. It will not be reviewed and will not be included in the GPR 2020 program. It cannot be presented at the Conference. Therefore, if you merely want to modify a submittal in some way, do not withdraw the submittal. Instead, follow the instructions presented in the "How do I update/replace a submittal after I have uploaded it?" section above.
If you truly want to withdraw a submittal, do the following:
- After logging into your account on the DMS, click/tap the Manage Submittals button at the top of the webpage.
- On the page that appears next and in the section under the heading GPR 2020 - 18th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, select the submittal you want to withdraw. For example, if you want to withdraw an expanded abstract, select the document that is identified as an "Expanded abstract".
- In the "Document information" section that appears, click/tap the WITHDRAW button at the bottom of the section. You will be presented a new page that requires you to confirm your request to withdraw the submittal and asks for a reason it is being withdrawn.